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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Principles of Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Applications in Nuclear Forensics


Principles of Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Applications in Nuclear Forensics

(this article taken from link :


Gamma-ray (Îŗ-ray) spectroscopy is a quick and nondestructive analytical technique that can be used to identify various radioactive isotopes in a sample. In gamma-ray spectroscopy, the energy of incident gamma-rays is measured by a detector. By comparing the measured energy to the known energy of gamma-rays produced by radioisotopes, the identity of the emitter can be determined. This technique has many applications, particularly in situations where rapid nondestructive analysis is required.

Background principles

Radioactive decay

The field of chemistry typically concerns itself with the behavior and interactions of stable isotopes of the elements. However, elements can exist in numerous states which are not stable. For example, a nucleus can have too many neutrons for the number of protons it has or contrarily, it can have too few neutrons for the number of protons it has. Alternatively, the nuclei can exist in an excited state, wherein a nucleon is present in an energy state that is higher than the ground state. In all of these cases, the unstable state is at a higher energy state and the nucleus must undergo some kind of decay process to reduce that energy.

There are many types of radioactive decay, but type most relevant to gamma-ray spectroscopy is gamma decay. When a nucleus undergoes radioactive decay by Îą or β decay, the resultant nucleus produced by this process, often called the daughter nucleus, is frequently in an excited state. Similar to how electrons are found in discrete energy levels around a nucleus, nucleons are found in discrete energy levels within the nucleus. In Îŗ decay, the excited nucleon decays to a lower energy state and the energy difference is emitted as a quantized photon. Because nuclear energy levels are discrete, the transitions between energy levels are fixed for a given transition. The photon emitted from a nuclear transition is known as a Îŗ-ray.

Radioactive decay kinetics and equilibria

Radioactive decay, with few exceptions, is independent of the physical conditions surrounding the radioisotope. As a result, the probability of decay at any given instant is constant for any given nucleus of that particular radioisotope. We can use calculus to see how the number of parent nuclei present varies with time. The time constant, Îģ, is a representation of the rate of decay for a given nuclei, [link].

If the symbol N0 is used to represent the number of radioactive nuclei present at t = 0, then the following equation describes the number of nuclei present at some given time.

The same equation can be applied to the measurement of radiation with some sort of detector. The count rate will decrease from some initial count rate in the same manner that the number of nuclei will decrease from some initial number of nuclei.

The decay rate can also be represented in a way that is more easily understood. The equation describing half-life (t1/2) is shown in [link].

The half-life has units of time and is a measure of how long it takes for the number of radioactive nuclei in a given sample to decrease to half of the initial quantity. It provides a conceptually easy way to compare the decay rates of two radioisotopes. If one has a the same number of starting nuclei for two radioisotopes, one with a short half-life and one with a long half-life, then the count rate will be higher for the radioisotope with the short half-life, as many more decay events must happen per unit time in order for the half-life to be shorter.

When a radioisotope decays, the daughter product can also be radioactive. Depending upon the relative half-lives of the parent and daughter, several situations can arise: no equilibrium, a transient equilibrium, or a secular equilibrium. This module will not discuss the former two possibilities, as they are off less relevance to this particular discussion.

Secular equilibrium takes place when the half-life of the parent is much longer than the half-life of the daughter. In any arbitrary equilibrium, the ratio of atoms of each can be described as in [link].

Because the half-life of the parent is much, much greater than the daughter, as the parent decays, the observed amount of activity changes very little.

This can be rearranged to show that the activity of the daughter should equal the activity of the parent.

Once this point is reached, the parent and the daughter are now in secular equilibrium with one another and the ratio of their activities should be fixed. One particularly useful application of this concept, to be discussed in more detail later, is in the analysis of the refinement level of long-lived radioisotopes that are relevant to trafficking.


Scintillation detector

A scintillation detector is one of several possible methods for detecting ionizing radiation. Scintillation is the process by which some material, be it a solid, liquid, or gas, emits light in response to incident ionizing radiation. In practice, this is used in the form of a single crystal of sodium iodide that is doped with a small amount of thallium, referred to as NaI(Tl). This crystal is coupled to a photomultiplier tube which converts the small flash of light into an electrical signal through the photoelectric effect. This electrical signal can then be detected by a computer.

Semiconductor detector

A semiconductor accomplishes the same effect as a scintillation detector, conversion of gamma radiation into electrical pulses, except through a different route. In a semiconductor, there is a small energy gap between the valence band of electrons and the conduction band. When a semiconductor is hit with gamma-rays, the energy imparted by the gamma-ray is enough to promote electrons to the conduction band. This change in conductivity can be detected and a signal can be generated correspondingly. Germanium crystals doped with lithium, Ge(Li), and high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors are among the most common types.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each detector type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The NaI(Tl) detectors are generally inferior to Ge(Li) or HPGe detectors in many respects, but are superior to Ge(Li) or HPGe detectors in cost, ease of use, and durability. Germanium-based detectors generally have much higher resolution than NaI(Tl) detectors. Many small photopeaks are completely undetectable on NaI(Tl) detectors that are plainly visible on germanium detectors. However, Ge(Li) detectors must be kept at cryogenic temperatures for the entirety of their lifetime or else they rapidly because incapable of functioning as a gamma-ray detector. Sodium iodide detectors are much more portable and can even potentially be used in the field because they do not require cryogenic temperatures so long as the photopeak that is being investigated can be resolved from the surrounding peaks.

Gamma spectrum features

There are several dominant features that can be observed in a gamma spectrum. The dominant feature that will be seen is the photopeak. The photopeak is the peak that is generated when a gamma-ray is totally absorbed by the detector. Higher density detectors and larger detector sizes increase the probability of the gamma-ray being absorbed.

The second major feature that will be observed is that of the Compton edge and distribution. The Compton edge arises due to Compton Effect, wherein a portion of the energy of the gamma-ray is transferred to the semiconductor detector or the scintillator. This occurs when the relatively high energy gamma ray strikes a relatively low energy electron. There is a relatively sharp edge to the Compton edge that corresponds to the maximum amount of energy that can be transferred to the electron via this type of scattering. The broad peak lower in energy than the Compton edge is the Compton distribution and corresponds to the energies that result from a variety of scattering angles. A feature in Compton distribution is the backscatter peak. This peak is a result of the same effect but corresponds to the minimum energy amount of energy transferred. The sum of the energies of the Compton edge and the backscatter peak should yield the energy of the photopeak.

Another group of features in a gamma spectrum are the peaks that are associated with pair production. Pair production is the process by which a gamma ray of sufficiently high energy (>1.022 MeV) can produce an electron-positron pair. The electron and positron can annihilate and produce two 0.511 MeV gamma photons. If all three gamma rays, the original with its energy reduced by 1.022 MeV and the two annihilation gamma rays, are detected simultaneously, then a full energy peak is observed. If one of the annihilation gamma rays is not absorbed by the detector, then a peak that is equal to the full energy less 0.511 MeV is observed. This is known as an escape peak. If both annihilation gamma rays escape, then a full energy peak less 1.022 MeV is observed. This is known as a double escape peak.

Example of experiments

Determination of depleted uranium

Natural uranium is composed mostly of 238U with low levels of 235U and 234U. In the process of making enriched uranium, uranium with a higher level of 235U, depleted uranium is produced. Depleted uranium is used in many applications particularly for its high density. Unfortunately, uranium is toxic and is a potential health hazard and is sometimes found in trafficked radioactive materials, so it is important to have a methodology for detection and analysis of it.

One easy method for this determination is achieved by examining the spectrum of the sample and comparing it qualitatively to the spectrum of a sample that is known to be natural uranium. This type of qualitative approach is not suitable for issues that are of concern to national security. Fortunately, the same approach can be used in a quantitative fashion by examining the ratios of various gamma-ray photopeaks.

The concept of a radioactive decay chain is important in this determination. In the case of 238U, it decays over many steps to 206Pb. In the process, it goes through 234mPa, 234Pa, and 234Th. These three isotopes have detectable gamma emissions that are capable of being used quantitatively. As can be seen in [link], the half-life of these three emitters is much less than the half-life of 238U. As a result, these should exist in secular equilibrium with 238U. Given this, the ratio of activity of 238U to each daughter products should be 1:1. They can thus be used as a surrogate for measuring 238U decay directly via gamma spectroscopy. The total activity of the 238U can be determined by [link], where A is the total activity of 238U, R is the count rate of the given daughter isotope, and B is the probability of decay via that mode. The count rate may need to be corrected for self-absorption of the sample is particularly thick. It may also need to be corrected for detector efficiency if the instrument does not have some sort of internal calibration.

Half-lives of pertinent radioisotopes in the 238U decay chain




4.5 x 109 years


24.1 days


1.17 minutes

A gamma spectrum of a sample is obtained. The 63.29 keV photopeak associated with 234Th was found to have a count rate of 5.980 kBq. What is the total activity of 238U present in the sample?

234Th exists in secular equilibrium with 238U. The total activity of 234Th must be equal to the activity of the 238U. First, the observed activity must be converted to the total activity using Equation A=R/B. It is known that the emission probability for the 63.29 kEv gamma-ray for 234Th is 4.84%. Therefore, the total activity of 238U in the sample is 123.6 kBq.

The count rate of 235U can be observed directly with gamma spectroscopy. This can be converted, as was done in the case of 238U above, to the total activity of 235U present in the sample. Given that the natural abundances of 238U and 235U are known, the ratio of the expected activity of 238U to 235U can be calculated to be 21.72 : 1. If the calculated ratio of disintegration rates varies significantly from this expected value, then the sample can be determined to be depleted or enriched.

As shown above, the activity of 238U in a sample was calculated to be 123.6 kBq. If the gamma spectrum of this sample shows a count rate 23.73 kBq at the 185.72 keV photopeak for 235U, can this sample be considered enriched uranium? The emission probability for this photopeak is 57.2%.

As shown in the example above, the count rate can be converted to a total activity for 235U. This yields a total activity of 41.49 kBq for 235U. The ratio of activities of 238U and 235U can be calculated to be 2.979. This is lower than the expected ratio of 21.72, indicating that the 235U content of the sample greater than the natural abundance of 235U.

This type of calculation is not unique to 238U. It can be used in any circumstance where the ratio of two isotopes needs to be compared so long as the isotope itself or a daughter product it is in secular equilibrium with has a usable gamma-ray photopeak.

Determination of the age of highly-enriched uranium

Particularly in the investigation of trafficked radioactive materials, particularly fissile materials, it is of interest to determine how long it has been since the sample was enriched. This can help provide an idea of the source of the fissile material—if it was enriched for the purpose of trade or if it was from cold war era enrichment, etc.

When uranium is enriched, 235U is concentrated in the enriched sample by removing it from natural uranium. This process will separate the uranium from its daughter products that it was in secular equilibrium with. In addition, when 235U is concentrated in the sample, 234U is also concentrated due to the particulars of the enrichment process. The 234U that ends up in the enriched sample will decay through several intermediates to 214Bi. By comparing the activities of 234U and 214Bi or 226Ra, the age of the sample can be determined.

In [link], ABi is the activity of 214Bi, ARais the activity of 226Ra, AU is the activity of 234U, ÎģTh is the decay constant for 230Th, ÎģRa is the decay constant for 226Ra, and T is the age of the sample. This is a simplified form of a more complicated equation that holds true over all practical sample ages (on the order of years) due to the very long half-lives of the isotopes in question. The results of this can be graphically plotted as they are in [link].

Ratio of 226Ra/234U (= 214Bi/234U) plotted versus age based on [link]. This can be used to determine how long ago a sample was enriched based on the activities of 234U and 226Ra or 214Bi in the sample.

Exercise: The gamma spectrum for a sample is obtained. The count rate of the 121 keV 234U photopeak is 4500 counts per second and the associated emission probability is 0.0342%. The count rate of the 609.3 keV 214Bi photopeak is 5.83 counts per second and the emission probability is 46.1%. How old is the sample?

Solution: The observed count rates can be converted to the total activities for each radionuclide. Doing so yields a total activity for 234U of 4386 kBq and a total activity for 214Bi of 12.65 Bq. This gives a ratio of 9.614 x 10-7. Using [link], as graphed this indicates that the sample must have been enriched 22.0 years prior to analysis.


·       G. Choppin, J.-O. Liljenzin, and J. Rydberg. Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, Elsevier Press, Oxford (2006).

·       W. Loveland, D. J. Morrissey, and G. T. Seaborg. Modern Nuclear Chemistry, Wiley, New Jersey (2006).

·       K. Mayer, M. Wallenius, and I. Ray. Analyst, 2005, 130, 433.

·       J. T. Mihalczo, J. A. Mullens, J. K. Mattingly, and T. E. Valentine. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 2000, 450, 531.

·       J. T. Mihalczo, J. K. Mattingly, J. S. Neal, and J. A. Mullens, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, 2004, 213, 378.

·       K. J. Moody, I. A. Hutcheon, and P. M. Grant. Nuclear Forensic Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2005).

·       C. T. Nguyen. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, 2005, 229, 103.

·       C. T. Nguyen, and J. Zsigrai. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B,2006, 246, 417.

·       D. Reilly, N. Ensslin, and H. Smith, Jr. Passive Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Materials, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA (1991).

·       M. Wallenius, A. Morgenstern, C. Apostolidis, and K. Mayer. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2002374, 379.



Friday, October 16, 2020

Comparison between EDXRF and WDXRF


Wavelength Dispersive XRF

A wavelength dispersive detection system physically separates the X-Rays according to their wavelengths.

The x-rays are directed to a crystal, which diffracts the X-Rays in different directions according to their wavelengths (energies).

On a sequential system a detector is placed at a fixed position, and the crystal is rotated so that different wavelengths are picked up by the detector. The XRF spectrum is built up point by point. In a simultaneous system, a number of crystal/detector units are used, so that a range of elements can be detected simultaneously.



Energy Dispersive XRF

An energy dispersive detection system directly measures the different energies of the emitted X-Rays from the sample. By counting and plotting the relative numbers of X-Rays at each energy an XRF spectrum is generated. 

The principle of the energy dispersive (ED) detector (such as the HORIBA Xerophy™) is based on the generation of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor material (often silicon). An incident X-Ray, of energy EX, is absorbed by the detector material, and will cause one or more electron-hole pairs to form. The energy, EEHP, to do this is fixed for that particular material. The X-Ray will form as many electron-hole pairs as its energy will allow: number of electron-hole pairs = EX / EEHP

Once this has occurred, the electrons are pulled off the detector, and the resulting current is proportional to the number of electron-hole pairs, which in itself is directly related to the X-Ray energy.

This analysis process is repeated at a very high rate, and the results sorted into energy channels.



Comparison between EDXRF and WDXRF

The principal difference between ED and WDXRF techniques lies in the achievable energy (spectral) resolution. WDXRF systems can routinely provide working resolutions between 5 eV and 20 eV, depending on their set up, whereas EDXRF systems typically provide resolutions ranging from 150 eV to 300 eV or more, depending on the type of detector used.

The higher resolution of WDXRF provides advantages in reduced spectral overlaps, so that complex samples can be more accurately characterized. In addition, with high resolution backgrounds are reduced, providing improved detection limits and sensitivity.

However, the additional optical components of a WDXRF system (eg, diffracting crystal and collimators) means that it suffers from greatly reduced efficiency. Typically this is compensated for by high powered X-Ray sources, which can have a significant impact on cost and ease of use. The additional optical components of WDXRF also effect the cost, and make for a relatively expensive instrument.

The final difference lies in spectral acquisition. With an EDXRF system such as one of the XGT systems an entire spectrum is acquired virtually simultaneously, so that elements from across most of the periodic table can be detected within a few seconds. With WDXRF spectrum acquisition is either made in a point by point fashion (which is extremely time consuming), or else has a very limited number of simultaneous detectors (which is an expensive option).




The WD-XRF analyzer uses a x-ray source to excite a sample. X-rays that have wavelengths that are characteristic to the elements within the sample are emmitted and they along with scattered source x-rays go in all directions. A crystal or other diffraction device is placed in the way of the x-rays coming off the sample. A x-ray detector is position where it can detector the x-rays that are diffracted and scattered off the crystal. Depending on the spacing between the atoms of the crystal lattice (diffractive device) and its angle in relation to the sample and detector, specific wavelengths directed at the detector can be controlled. The angle can be changed in order to measure elements sequentially, or multiple crystals and detectors may be arrayed around a sample for simultaneous analysis.




The ED-XRF analyzer also uses an x-ray source to excite the sample but it may be configured in one of two ways. The first way is direct excitation where the x-ray beam is pointed directly at the sample. Filter made of various elements may be placed between the source and sample to increase the excitation of the element of interest or reduce the background in the region of interest. The second way uses a secondary target, where the source points at the target, the target element is excited and fluoresces, and then the target fluorescence is used to excite the sample. A detector is positioned to measure the fluorescent and scattered x-rays from the sample and a multichannel analyzer and software assigns each detector pulse an energy value thus producing a spectrum. Note that there is absolutely no reason why the spectra cannot be displayed in a wavelength dependant graph format.


Points of Comparison


1. Resolution: It describes the width of the spectra peaks. The lower the resolution number the more easily an elemental line is distinguished from other nearby x-ray line intensities

a. The resolution of the WDX system is dependent on the crystal and optics design, particularly collimation, spacing and positional reproducibility. The effective resolution of a WDX system may vary from 20 eV in an inexpensive benchtop to 5 eV or less in a laboratory instrument. The resolution is not detector dependant.

b. The resolution of the EDX system is dependent on the resolution of the detector. This can vary from 150 eV or less for a liquid nitrogen cooled Si(Li) detector, 150-220 eV for various solid state detectors, or 600 eV or more for gas filled proportional counter.

ADVANTAGE WD-XRF – High resolution means fewer spectral overlaps and lower background intensities.

ADVANTAGE ED-XRF – WDX crystal and optics are expensive, and are one more failure mode.


2. Spectral Overlaps:Spectral deconvolutions are necessary for determining net intensities when two spectral lines overlap because the resolution is too high for them to be measured indepedantly

a. With a WDX instrument with very high resolution (low number of eV) spectral overlap corrections are not required for a vast majority of elements and applications. The gross intensities for each element can be determined in a single acquisition.

b. The ED-XRF analyzer is designed to detect a group of eleemnts all at once. The some type of deconvolution method must be used to correct for spectral overlaps. Overlaps are less of a problem with 150+ eV resolution systems, but are significant when compared to WDXRF. Spectral overlaps become more problematic at lower resolutions.

ADVANTAGE WD-XRF – Spectral deconvolution routines introduce error due to counting statistics for every overlap correction onto every other element being corrected for. This can double or triple the error.


3. Background: The background radiation is one limiting factor for determining detection limits, repeatability, and reproducibilty.

a. Since a WDX instrument usually uses direct radiation flux the background in the region of interest is directly related to the amount of continuum radiation within the region of interest the width of which is determined by the resolution.

b. The ED-XRF instrument uses filters and/or targets to reduce the amount of continuum radiation in the region of interest which is also resolution dependant, while producing a higher intensity x-ray peak to excite the element of interest.

Even – WDX has an advantage due to resolution. If a peak is one tenth as wide it has one tenth the background.

EDX counters with filters and targets that can reduce the background intensities by a factor of ten or more.


4. Source Efficiency: efficiently the source x-rays are utilized determines how much power is needed to make the system work optimally. Higher power costs much more money.

a. Every time an x-ray beam is scattered off a surface the intensity is reduced by a factor of 100 or so. For any XRF system intensity is lost in the process of exciting the sample, but a WDX analyzer also looses a factor of 100 in intensity at the diffraction device, although some modern multilayers are more efficient. The sample to detector path length is often 10 cm or more introducing huge geometrical losses.

b. With direct excitation the EDX system avoids wasting x-ray intensity. When filters are used the 3 to 10 times more energy is required, and when secondary targets are used 100 times more energy is required making the total energy budget simlar between Seconday target EDX and WDX systems before the path length is considered. An EDX system typically has sample to detector path lengths less than 1 cm.

ADVANTAGE ED-XRF – In order to achieve similar counts at the detector a WDX system needs 100-1000 times the flux of a direct excitation EDX system and 10-100 times the flux of a secondary target system. This one proinciple reason WDX systems cost more.


5. Excitation Efficiency: Usually expressed in PPM per count-per-second (cps) or similar units, this is the other main factor for determining detection limits, repeatability, and reproducibility. The relative excitation efficiency is improved by having more source x-rays closer to but above the absorption edge energy for the element of interest.

a. WD-XRF generally uses direct unaltered x-ray excitation, which contains a continuum of energies with most of them not optimal for exciting the element of interest.

b. ED-XRF analyzers may use filter to reduce the continuum energies at the elemental lines, and effectively increaseing the percentage of x-rays above the element absorption edge. Filters may also be used to give a filter fluorescence line immediately above the absorption edge, to further improve excitation efficiency. Secondary targets provide an almost monochromatic line source that can be optimized for the element of interest to achieve optimal excitation efficiency.


GRE from facebook inspiring


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