Friday, September 4, 2020

gamma spectroscopy, lsc report


Md. Mahbubul Hassan sohag

Six months Scientific Attachment at Material Technology Group (MTEG), Nuclear Malaysia (NM).

Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) Report:

Liquid scintillation counting is an analytical technique that measures activity of radionuclides from the rate of light photons emitted by a sample. This measurement technique is applicable to all types of emissions.

Sample Preparation:

Environment sample Preparation for H-3 Analysis:

According to procedure took 100ml of water (environment sample).Weighted 0.05gm of Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and 0.02 gm of Potassium hydroxide (KOH). Mixed sample water with Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and Potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Put 5 or 6 pieces of boiling chip, refluxed it for 30 minutes and cool down for 15 minutes. Now it was distilled through the column that contained activated charcoal and fiber glass. Now this distilled water was collected into a plastic bottle and labeled it.

Same procedure was followed for distilled water and collected in plastic bottle. This sample is considered as background.

For background, pipette 10ml of distill water into first vial and add 12ml scintillator, then sake it.

In second vial pipette 10ml of sample solution add 12ml scintillator, then sake it.

For third vial pipette 10ml of sample solution with 0.1 ml of standard solution (H-3) add 12ml scintillator, then sake it.

Counting Efficiency:

Counting efficiency =

Quenching Effect:

Quenching is the loss of counts due to sample or cocktail. Quenchers are divided into two category one chemical quenchers and other color quenchers. chemical quenchers absorb radioactive energy before it is converted into photon. Color quenchers absorb light in the range of wavelength emitted by scintillator. In this case the number of photon is not changed but the number reaching photomultiplier tube is reduced.

Gamma Spectroscopy Report:

Sample Preparation:

For gamma spectroscopy, To obtain get good number of counts samples will concentrate (reduce its volume but not reduce its mass). Several types of sample was prepared like as soil sample, Water sample, Plant sample, Beverage Sample that all are given below.

Soil Sample:

Collect soil samples and dry sample. Crash samples, put in specific geometry sample bottle. Now seal sample bottle using tape. Put it in incubator at least 21 days to produce homogeneous condition.

Water Sample:

Took collected environment water sample 2 liter. Then using filtration pump, which is consist of suction pump with filter, clean the water sample. Pour it into a beaker. Put the beaker on hot plate fix the temperature 60 degree for three days until two liter convert into 350ml. Seal the sample for 21 days in incubator.

Beverage Sample:

Cash the sample and put into specific geometry bottle sample is ready for count. Incase sample is liquid then follow same thing.

Plant sample:

For plant sample, weight sample then dry it in oven for two days at 105 ˚c. Again weight this sample. Now grind this sample, put into furnish about 500˚c for one day. Now make palette using this sample.



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